
Made For The Traders, By The Traders

Greeksoft Technologies is an algorithm development and consulting firm specializing in low latency, high frequency, algorithmic trade execution, order routing and front end solution provider. Besides Front end trading solutions, we also specialize in risk management tools that help your firm to get insights on their trading risks in exchange-traded derivative instruments.

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Dedicated and committed support team.

Our dedicated and commited support team provides our client 24-hour support related to our products and solutions.

Domain Understanding

Being the first vendor in India to successfully implement algo trading, We have the domain knowledge to understand the complexity of trading and providing the right solution

Array of suite's on algorithms.

Our array of bunch of algorithms connected to our products and solutions would help you in multiple ways.

Option Strategy

Greeksoft has a complete suite of Option Algo strategies to suffice all your trading needs. We offer 3 types of Option Algos Strategies. Click below to learn more.

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Multi-Leg Option Strategy

Premium, Delta and Strike wise position This strategy will allow trader to create position in multiple options between a range by defining Premium, Delta and Strikes

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Advance Option Strategy

Advance Option Strategy will help user trade upto 4 leg strategies in options with below mentioned advance features.

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Dynamic Delta Hedging

DDH help trader manage the Delta or Gamma of a portfolio without even monitoring it. The algo take care of the execution and hedging once User has defined and set desired parameters

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Single Leg IV Trading (Alt Q)

Trading Implied volatility needs precision and accuracy, who better than, GATS IV (Alt + S) Trader strategy does it. With multitude of permutations and customizable parameters this strategy makes you feel awestruck.

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IV Spread Trading (Alt S)

Trading Implied volatility needs precision and accuracy, who better than, GATS IV (Alt + Q) Trader strategy does it. With multitude of permutations and customizable parameters this strategy makes you feel awestruck.

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3L/4L IV Trading (Alt E)

Trading Implied volatility needs precision and accuracy, who better than, GATS IV (Alt + E) Trader strategy does it. With multitude of permutations and customizable parameters this strategy makes you feel awestruck.

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